



Worked German Colonies

1884 - 1918

(Ein Teil der deutschen Geschichte)

Der "First Dxpeditioners Club" gibt dieses Diplom heraus, das anregt, sich mit der Geschichte der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonien zu beschäftigen und Verbindungen mit Amateurfunkstationen in diesen Ländern zur Förderung der Volksverständigung nachzuweisen. Das Diplom kann von Funkamateuren und entsprechend von SWL´s in zwei Klassen für Verbindungen in allen Betriebsarten oder gemischt ab dem 3. Oktober 1990
(Tag der deutschen Einheit) beantragt werden.

                                           Klasse Gold:   Verbindungen mit allen Ländern (1-14)
                                           Klasse Silber:  Verbindungen mit allen Ländern(1-13)
                                                 und einem  Joker für Kiautschu/Tsingtau


Ländernamen einst                                                             Ländernamen heute                                     Präfix       
  1  Togo                                                                              Togo                                                             5V
  2  Kamerun                                                                        Kamerun                                                       TJ
  3  Deutsch Südwest Afrika                                                Namibia                                                        V5
  4  Deutsch Ostafrika                                                          Burundi                                                         9U
  5                                                                                        Ruanda                                                          9X
  6                                                                                        Tansania                                                        5H
  7  Melanesien                                                                    Papua Neuguinea                                           P2
      Kaiser Wilhelm Land, Bismarck Archipel mit den nördlichen Salomoneninseln Buka und Bougainville
 8  Deutsch-Mikronesien                                                     Förderative Staaten von Micronesia             V6
 9                                                                                         Palau                                                             T8
 10                                                                                        Nord Marianen*                                            KH0
                                                                                             (ohne Guam)
 11                                                                                        Marshall                                                        V7
 12                                                                                        Nauru                                                             C2
 13  West Samoa                                                                  West Samoa                                                    5W
 14  Kiautschou und Tschingtau                                        zu China                                                             BY4I
*Commonwealth of Northern Marians Islands

Joker sind folgende Länder:

Ländernamen einst                                                                Ländernamen heute                                Präfix        

    Friedrichsburg, Goldküste,                                               Ghana                                                            9G
    1680 - 1717 Brandenburgische Kolonie

    Virgin Island, 1658 - 1693 von Dänemark                        Virgin Island                                                 KP2
    an Brandenburg verpachtet.

    Jacobsfort, Jacob von Kurland, Schwager und Vetter       Gambia                                                         C5
    des Großen Kurfürsten von Brandenburg. Gründer
    von Bathurst, heute Banjul

    Arguin                                                                                                                                                     5T
    1685 - 1721 Brandenburgische Kolonie

    Santa Fe de Bogota, gegründet 1538                                  Kolumbien                                                    HK3
    von dem Ulmer Nikolaus Federmann    

    Provinz Santa Martha ( Maracaibo)                                   Venezuela                                                     YV1
    1528 - 1556 im Besitz der Welser                                                                                                                     

Der Diplomantrag wird mit einer bestätigten Liste vorhandener QSL-Karten (GCR-Liste) oder mit Kopien der QSL-Karten und mit der Gebühr von 5 €, 10$ oder 7 IRC an foldende Anschrift geschickt:

Baldur Drobnica DJ6SI
Zedernweg 6
D-50127 Bergheim

Das Diplom ist zweiseitig in DIN A4 Querformat. Auf der Vorderseite ist die Reichsflagge im Bereich des Außenministeriums einschliesslich der kaiserlichen Behörden und Fahrzeuge in den deutschen "Schutzgebieten" (Kolonien) von 1892 - 1919 abgebildet. Auf der Rückseite sind die Namen der ehenmaligen Kolonien und die jetzigen Namen und die vom Diplom-Antragsteller gearbeiteten Stationen aufgelistet.



Worked German Colonies

1884 – 1918

(A Chapter of German History)

The “First Dxpeditioners Club” has issued this award as an incentive to deal with the history of the former German colonies and to establish amateur radio contacts to foster understanding and friendship with these countries. The award is available in two grades for amateur radio operators and SWLs for contacts in all modes (and mixed) after October 3rd, 1990, the day of the German reunification.

Gold Grade:           for contacts with all areas (1-14)

Silver Grade:          for contacts with all areas (1-13)

                              plus a “joker” for Kiautschou/Tsingtao


former name                               present name                                             prefix

1 Togo                                       Togo                                                          5V

2 Cameroon                               Cameroon                                                  TJ

3 German South-West Africa     Namibia                                                    V5

4 German East-Africa                Burundi                                                     9U

5                                                 Ruanda                                                     9X

6                                                 Tansania                                                   5H

7 Melanesia                                Papua New Guinee                                   P2
Emperor William Land, Bismarck Archipelo with the northern Solomon Isl. Buka and Bougainville

8 German Micronesia                  Fed. States of Micronesia                         V6
                                                    (Jap, Ponape, Kusaie, Truk)

9                                                  Palau                                                         T8

10                                                Commonwealth of Northern Marians Isl   KH0

11                                                Marshall Isl.                                              V7

12                                                Nauru                                                         C2

13 Western Samoa                       Western Samoa                                          5W

14 Kiautschou and Tsingtao         in China                                                     BY4I


The following areas may serve as “jokers”:

former name                                         present name                                   prefix

Friedrichsburg, Gold Coast                 Ghana                                              9G
1680-1717 colony of Brandenburg

Virgin Island                                        Virgin Island                                   KP2
leased to Brandenburg by Denmark 1658 - 1693

Jacobsfort                                             Gambia                                          C5
after Jacob of Kurland, cousin and
brother-in-law to the Great Elector
of Brandenburg, founder of Bathurst,
today Banjul

Arguin                                                     Mauretania                                  5T
1685-1721 colony of Brandenburg

Santa Fe de Bogota                                 Columbia                                    HK3
founded in 1538 by Nikolaus
Federman from Ulm

Province of Santa Martha (Maracaibo)   Venezuela                                  YV1
1528 - 1556 possessed
by the Welsers of Augsburg

Please send your application together with a GCR-list or photo copies of the required QSL-cards and a fee of EUR 5, US$ 10, or 7 (valid) IRCs to the following address:

Baldur Drobnica, DJ6SI

Zedernweg 6

D-50127 Bergheim


The award is printed double-sided in broadside format (DIN A4). On its front there is the official flag of the “German Reich” as used by the foreign office for all imperial buildings and vehicles in the German “protectorates” (colonies) between 1892 and 1919. On its back there are the original and present names of the former German colonies and a list of amateur radio stations worked by the applicant.